Monday 12 September 2011

Living with the plague

Living in the plague
This village is not as it used to be anymore. No more people walking about with a grin on their face. No more people helping out each other. No more children in the streets playing. Only darkness covers the village. People only stand and wait, wait for a better tomorrow. Wait for one day children will be playing on the streets again. But god has forgotten us, but as not ignores us. But putting a test to making us stronger, like a warrior on a quest. But many villages have failed this test. Not from the rampage of men, or the greed of outsiders. But blackness of god’s power, a blackness we people called plague. Many of the villages have fallen into this power and to god’s test. And now our village is waiting for our turn for gods test.

The test has begun. The people have got the plagues affects already. 2 people of the village had it over night. I haven’t heard some much about it but from what I heard it enters the body but all I know it is starts as a fever then coughing then the next day you start to shiver with black spots and after a few days drop die. Not many survive this plague. Only the richest survive. But the plague does not give mercy to its victim. But I’m just a blacksmith, it will not be that bad, as long as a pray and believe god’s powers I will survive.

My luck was not good enough for my youngest daughter, she has grown black spots. The plague has developed in her soul. We are praying most of the day for god to give mercy, but I don’t think god will change his mind. My daughter’s life fate lies on god’s hands. My wife and I will watch her go to heaven, she will be missed. I look at the rest of the village and heard that 45 men and 23 woman and 5 children are gone due to the plague in total this week. We stand, the ones surviving that this dark magic will not give up and we will live and come out of the darkness but time is in god’s hands now.

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